the last wolf of scotland
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LaPointe & Norrie

Ernie LaPointe

The Badlands

LaPointe & Norrie
Sitting Bull's great grandson, Ernie LaPointe, kindly agreed to allow me to record him reading from my debut poetry collection 'The Last Wolf of Scotland' (Red Hen, Los Angeles 2013/17) and discuss themes within the book relating to his ancestor. With a successful kickstarter campaign in late 2017, I was able to travel to South Dakota and meet Ernie and his wife, Sonja, who generously hosted me over three days. This record accompanies the poetry collection and forthcoming non-fiction publication from MIT/Strange Attractor. For those interested in the compelling message of Ernie LaPointe, a spiritual spokesperson of the Lakota People, a French film company are currently working on a documentary with him. His books, lectures and a fascinating biographical documentary tracking his experience as an orphan, a Vietnam veteran and the long, had road to becoming spiritual leader can be found here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernie_Lapointe
Recorded in the Sacred Black Hills, at Ernie and his wife Sonja's home in Lead and in the re-enactment town of Deadwood, the album draws on this juxtaposition of Wild West reinvention and Ernie's deep-seated Lakota knowledge, cutting the bone both ways. Thanks to: Henry Bell, Beth Lashley Rowell, Jordan Mackenzie and one anonymous other.